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Mana Maoli


Mana Maoli is a non-profit organization established in 1999 in Honolulu, Hawai'i. Their vision is to facilitate individual and community healing and empowerment by fostering lifelong learners who think, feel, and act in ways that are pono (harmonious, righteous); for recognizing strengths and addressing challenges as they seek positive, systemic change in their local, regional, and global communities.


Multimedia Intern


January 2020 - August 2020


- Pre/Post Video Production

- Social Media Management


J4MK Kia'i Mauna Panel Pt. 1/6

"Ōiwi Ē" by Mana Mele Collective

"Harness" by Sina Merytis ***

"Put A Little Love" by Natty Vibes ***

"When I Look" by Kapali ***

Kumu Class Video Submissions ***




Interning with Mana Maoli has definitely exceeded my expectations. I have achieved my main goal of the semester which was to be able to say that I’m not the same person I was when I first walked through the door in January. I have gained and strengthened many soft skills and hard skills that will definitely help me in future careers. It was through this internship that I got back into video editing after a long break from it. I’ve learned how to effectively and efficiently utilize social media to engage with audiences. Truthfully, I was never all that familiar with Facebook after going on a hiatus but this internship also helped me to get back into it. Receiving consistent feedback on the videos that I’ve edited was very helpful and it made me focus more on being detail-oriented. I deeply appreciate the kokua (help) that the supervisors gave whenever I had trouble with choosing an edit for a video or responding to a message via social media. I'm grateful that they've trusted my vision when it came to producing promotional videos for projects throughout my time with the company.

I've met so many humble and inspirational people through this internship. I got to discover parts of the island that I've never seen before. I've got my hands on new camera gear that I didn't know existed. This internship definitely got me out of my comfort zone and helped me grow creatively.

Overall, being an intern for Mana Maoli was a great experience and I highly recommend this internship to future students who aren't sure what they want to do as a career but are interested in creative works!

Resurrection of the Lord 

Catholic Church

Head Logo.png


Resurrection of the Lord Catholic Church was dedicated on December 3, 1985.  Until that time, it was first a mission of St. Joseph, Waipahu and later, St. John Apostle & Evangelist in Mililani.  Parishioners met in homes, under a tent, and in a warehouse until the parish was finally established and the church was built. Today we are a diverse, vibrant, and growing Roman Catholic parish serving the Waipio-Waikele community.  All who seek the love and mercy of God are welcome here.  In our company, we pray that you will experience the Lord's own welcome and the peace and new life that He alone can give.  


Media Communications Coordinator Intern


August 2020 - December 2020


- Strategically communicate information from parish to internal and external publics
- Create content that maintains and elevates brand
- Plan and coordinate promotional ideas for ministries
- Create and develop sustainable livestream for Holy Mass and other services
- Develop virtual religious education classes through video production
- Build media ministry




When I decided to finally intern this year, I didn't expect 2020 to unfold the way it did; I'm pretty sure none of us did if we're being completely honest. But I truly believe that I've learned so much along the way, not only about myself, but about the world. Interning for another nonprofit organization made me realize that I find more fulfillment in working with teams that are community oriented and purpose driven. What I loved most about interning at ROL was being able to intertwine my love for my faith and my love for creative arts into one. As the Media Communications Intern it was my responsibility to build the church's livestream production, alongside the Pastoral Assistant. This required researching products that fall under the given budget, provide exceptional quality for viewers, and does not disrupt the mass assembly. I was able to build strong relationships with the team throughout this semester and with other parishioners as well. This experience has definitely given me a tremendous amount of direction in my career and has given me hope to one day contributing my talents to another nonprofit organization. In the meantime, I do see myself working with ROL beyond this semester for upcoming projects related to the Church's 25th anniversary, which I had the opportunity to create designs for. It was fun to experiment with different equipment in the the videos I've created for ROL's Religious Education Classes, the 40 Days of Prayer Campaign Homily Series, Worship Videos, and more. This experience alone has opened my eyes to the possibilities that technology brings to Catholic Churches; a new door to reach those who have strayed away from the Church, a chance for others to know God, a channel to create conversations. It has also opened my eyes to the disconnect between Churches and its publics. I am motivated to revive and renew parishes, specifically Catholic Churches in Hawaii, so that they are able to better fulfill their purpose to bring others closer to Christ. Rather than waiting for people to come into the Church to embrace them with open arms, technology enables the Church to meet people where they are.

© 2024 by Megan Ramones 

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